Wednesday, May 4, 2011

You can’t make this stuff up…

I was flying to DC for work on Sunday and I was dragging my feet because it was beautiful in Chicago. So I arrived at the airport at 10:30 for my noon flight and should have been fine. I was driving through the parking garage and just as I arrived at the walkway to the terminal, my car turned off and I lost the ability to steer. My initial though, “Oh shoot, I’m going to hit that pole!” Next thought, “I’m going to miss my plane!” I tried to restart the car and while it would start it would not continue to run, it made a pathetic noise and shut off.

Call #1: Home – after all, it wasn’t actually my car, mine was in the shop. NO ANSWER
Call #2-5 : Dad’s Cell – He was either screening my calls or just doesn’t really answer his cell.
Call#6: Roadside…and here is how that went

Roadside: How tall is the garage?
Me: Ma’am all due respect I have no idea
Roadside: We need that information!!!
Me: Unfortunately that is not information I can provide. I’m going to tell you where the car is and I’m going to go catch my flight.
Roadside: You can’t do that!!!
Me: Really, I’ll call you back?

Next Convo: Me and Dad
Me: Dad, what am I going to do? I’m going to miss my flight and my meetings start when I land!
Dad: Leave the car, if someone steals it who cares
Me: Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, here comes the BOMB DOG!!!
Dad: I think I’d better let you go…

So here’s where it gets fun. I’m standing next to a car that has been sitting next to the entrance to the airport for about 30 minutes. I look seriously suspicious because I’ve been on my phone this whole time, and at this point I’m probably pacing. The airport dude, stopped over at one point, informed me my car probably wasn’t going to move, also informed me I was not allowed to leave it and went to find me a parking spot. I looked up while talking to my dad and saw the largest German Shepherd I have ever seen, complete with a metal muzzle and a cop dressed in all black carrying handcuffs. Seriously, could this really get worse? Next thing I know, the parking guy is sprinting through the garage hollering at the cop, “her car broke down, her car broke down!” Thank you parking guy, I love you! And by the time the cop got to me he was smiling and no longer looked like he was going to allow his dog to rip me limb from limb. He also could clearly see that I was frazzled, so jokingly, told me to put my hands on the hood. SWEET, I’m never going to make it to DC! After he allowed his dog to assess the situation he started brainstorming. The parking dude delivered his diagnosis of the vehicle and the cop decided that the best course of action was to push my car into a parking space. My heroes!!! So, A cop, a parking attendant and a bomb dog pushed my car quite a long ways to the first open parking space and that’s where the story ends. For those of you who are at all concerned about my flight, I got to the gate as the doors were closing and made it on by the skin of my teeth.

That was the most beautiful dog I think I’ve ever seen!

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