Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Procrastination CENTRAL

I have located procrastination central...it is in my room, in the silence sitting in my bed. The books that I intend to read tonight are scattered about, some of which need to be read before I can go to my first meeting tomorrow. But am I reading them, for some reason no. I think this is the behavior that drove my mother crazy all through my high school years...either sitting around, or completely wasting time until I am up against the wire.

I had myself convinced this behavior was gone, but alas it has returned. Hmm, maybe I should paint my nails, or read some e-mails, talk on the phone...oh my goodness WHERE DID THE LAST 2 HOURS GO?!?!?

Monday, January 25, 2010

Spring has NOT Sprung!!!

Every now and then I think it would be a good idea to have a TV in my room. This seems like a good idea when it's cold and rainy and I want to watch a movie and a really bad idea when I know that I would stay up far too late watching Law & Order re-runs I'd already seen 15 times. Yes I do that!

But today a TV would have been super helpful...in my morning rush I could have turned it on to either the news or the weather channel and I would have walked out the door with a coat on in mid-January. I know it sounds crazy but it was 45degrees outside yesterday and I was all excited that spring had sprung and nevermind the calendar. Well I stepped outside and spring had definately not sprung, in fact it was snowing...but oh well off I go, down the block to my car. At this point it seemed like a good idea to turn around, but I was late. So I drove to work, about half way there I realized how dumb this was, it's 30 degrees outside and snowing and I left my coat at home. Hmm, wow, smart one, Einstein! By the time I walked from my parking spot in Siberia to the office I was contimplating going and purchasing a coat at lunch...so basically the moral of the story is...I haven't found one yet, but I'm COLD!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Welcome to Monday 2010

I couldn't quite keep this Monday morning to myself...so I thought I'd share it with all of you! So I've been away from the office, working from home and taking vacation for the last 3 weeks, so it was a little bit harder than usual to get up this morning. I was running late but, come on what's new.

So there is this little cut through street on the way to work, and I guess the speed limit is 25, I'll pay closer attention to that in the future. But it's a 4 lane road so I don't really think that's the correct speed limit. Well either way, I looked down and realized I was going about 35 and was completely oblivious, stopped at a red light and realized there was a cop behind me...bugger. The light turned green, I turned into my own lane and the lights came on. I had one of those, ok I deserve this feelings. This is of course new to me, generally when I get pulled over I have the oh crud, how can I get out of this I hate tickets feeling. But today it was I deserve this...

He walked up to my window and asked for my liscence and insurance. I handed him my license and told him I would grab the insurance it was my dad's car. Dad, if you are reading this, your insurance card is expired. I found 2 insurance cards, the most recent of which expired in December...double bugger...I handed it to him and said I was sorry, he said no big deal it's close enough. And then asked me if I knew the speed limit...hmm, I think it's 30. No actually it's 25 and you were clocked going 48...my response was literal shock...how in the world...I blame the supercharger-lead foot combo! He asked if my address was current, now I know I'm suppose to say yes, but that is a lie...and I said no, well it's the address of where the car is registered but not where I currently live. I think I have him seriously confused at this point. He walks away, gets about half way to his car and walks back...where do you live? So of course, I tell him and he gives me the best option I've heard all morning...he can write me a speeding ticket or a minor ticket that he compares to a parking ticket and doesn't go on my record for not changing my address...what do I choose? Seriously I'm being given a choice, that's insane! The lesser offence please officer. And so it is...and that is how my speeding ticket turned into a $25 "parking ticket"!