Friday, December 18, 2009

Big D Delusional

So as anyone reading this probably knows I had foot surgery on Monday...a lovely cut the bone, screw it back together and move the cartilage type of foot surgery. So from that description any normal person would understand that it would hurt, and probably quite a lot.

Well I went into this with a great deal of optimism, I'll be fine, this will be painless and I'll be up and back to normal life within a week. WRONG! I'm getting along ok, but let me tell you, walking is not exactly a walk in the park and what I now fondly refer to as the scoot up the stairs is near disaster. But why did I think this was going to be pain free...hmm, not really sure. And is it better to think that something is going to be painless and go forward with enthusiasm or live your life always anticipating pain and waiting for the other shoe to drop. And if you move forward with the first, are you delusional thinking that life won't hurt and things will turn out for the best? Probably...but wouldn't you rather hope for the best than spend your life waiting for the worst? I think I would, so call me delusional if you wish, I like it this way!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Worth every CALORIE - and then SOME!!!

It was one of those days, year end reviews, the last day in the office for a little while and just general craziness, one of those moments when you just want to pack up and head home.

The words do you want a cupcake came from the next office over and after a bit of contemplation the day was turned around...SWIRLZ to the rescue!!!

This cupcake was insane, a fantastic chocolate cupcake, with a chocolate coating on the top, topped again with a swirl of vanilla buttercream icing and chocolate buttercream icing and a white and dark chocolate candy. This was a dream in cupcake form...oh my gosh...worth every calorie and then some!!!! Ahhhh!!!!

So if you want an insane and amazing cupcake go to SWIRLZ in Chicago - so GOOD!!!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Kick it REAL GOOD!!!!

Everyone that lives in Chicago or has heard the news knows that we all love the parking meters and the bureaucracy that goes with them. So you would think with all of the thought and revenue planning that went into the implementation of the new meters that cost as much as $3.50 per hour they would be able to sustain the chilly temperatures that often hit Chicago and surrounding areas...or NOT! Now don't take this the wrong way I'm not complaining, I don't like paying these slow overpriced green boxes, but come on, if they don't work in the winter how much revenue are they even going to produce?

I tried to pay my meter this morning, I inserted my credit card, and received no response...hmm, maybe the strip is dirty, let's try response. This meter was clearly not going to work, so I walked across the street to another pay box to find a man fumbling with a frozen meter. This meter had accepted his card and charged the maximum amount, which on this meter was $4.00...the only problem was the buttons that must be pushed to print the necessary receipt to prove that you paid were frozen. This poor guy, who was also frozen, was pummeling the buttons, muttering under his breathe at the dumb green box. After a short time of my observation, who knows how long he had been there, the kicking ensued...if you can't push the button hard enough perhaps you can kick the button hard enough...NOPE! And you can be sure I wasn't sticking around in +3 degrees to find out how that one ended...

The Chicago parking meters are ridiculous, frozen and nonfunctional in the winter and so slow in the summer that you could be mugged and killed before the receipt prints....argh!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Cat as Comedian

A great day turned into one of those crazy nights...when I got home from small group just after 10 I came to the very real conclusion that the lock on our door was frozen and I had no chance of getting into the good, Rachel to the rescue, my wonderful roommate though slightly sleepy and confused gladly let me in and all was well...but God knew that I was tired, had a headache and just really needed a laugh so...while I was getting ready for bed he provided one!

I was standing at my sink getting ready to brush my teeth and Therman, Rachel's cat, who loves me dearly was standing on my toilet trying to get as close as possible. He was stretching and reaching and trying desperately to get me to pet him or something like that. Well in the process of this he somehow lost his balance, and fell in the TOILET! I swear I didn't push him, his back little legs just slipped in. He stood there looking up at me, with those sweet little eyes, partly confused partly begging for help. So of course I quickly removed the cat from the toilet and he proceeded to spread toilet water all over my bathroom floor...which is kinda I figured I should probably wash the cat, and then I thought maybe he'd just dry...and then I remembered, Therman sleeps in Rachel's bed, and no way would I want toilet water in my bed...thus started the journey that was washing the cat! I tried dipping his feet under running water but he was having none of that, on to plan B. I covered my hands with soap and rubbed it all over his wet little feet and legs, and then carefully dipped his legs into a sink full of water. Surprisingly this didn't bother him too much...if you ignore the fact that he spent the next 10 minutes or so licking his feet.

And what did I learn you may ask...I guess I don't really believe that toilet water is as clean as they say it is or I wouldn't have bothered washing the cat...hold on, I think the cat drinks from the toilet...I may have just wasted 30 minutes!

Horror on HAMILTON

Yesterday marked our first snow of the year, there was snow, followed by slushy stuff that stung your face, topped off by howling winds and let's just say by the time I got home from my work dinner at 9:45 it was fierce outside and I was exhausted...and you know me I watch far too many crime shows. So there's the background and scene...

Walking down dimly light Hamilton Ave, I wish that I could have found a closer parking spot as I dodge large puddles of winter slop. As I round the corner to enter my building water pours from the gutters and hits me square in the head...ugh, are you serious! Almost home, I start up the stairs and wonder to myself, almost speaking it aloud, why are these footprints so big...I know my roomates are not Amazon women. I get to the top of the stairs and fumble with me keys and as I look up realize that something is wrong...the door is wide open, the cat is sitting there looking at me like I am crazy and the apartment is pitch black! Um, do I go inside or do I go back to my car....this is the moment in all the horror movies when you're screaming at the TV, don't go in there, dumb girl what are you doing!!! But of course, dumb girl here, goes in and starts screaming Rachel's response, no sound....RACHEL!!!!!!

At this point I'm beyond concerned...and then she pops out of her room, hey what's up...phew...ahh, relief! I then realize that there is really no way to explain to her that I thought just maybe she was dead on the floor...brr it's chilly in here!