Monday, April 6, 2009

3 Wise Men

For all of you out there that read my blog - there may be only a few but, the few the proud the faithful! Today's post is on my favorite pastors! And of course there's a link to each of their sites...if you don't know and love them already I bet you will soon! Presenting my top three Pastors in no particular order...

1) Jackson Crum - Jackson's my "home" pastor and I look forward to Sunday every week! I love living out life at Park and hearing what Jackson wants to lovingly speak into our lives! (Chicago, IL)

2) John Piper - um, so you probably know Piper and love him too! He's intense, highly intellectual and just sooooo good! I'm currently working through his 224 sermon series on Romans! He's coming to Park on April 23rd and I couldn't be more thrilled!!! Piper at Park! (Minneapolis, MN)

3) Mark Driscoll - ok so this man rocks my sermon world! He is completely out there, intense and holds nothing back! I'm really digging his "pray like Jesus" series - so good! (Seattle, WA)

After discussing my absolute love of these pastors with a friend she said - yea, I could see that, they are all really intense! YOU are really intense!!! Funny how that all works out. Intensity is so COOL!

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