Thursday, December 10, 2009

Kick it REAL GOOD!!!!

Everyone that lives in Chicago or has heard the news knows that we all love the parking meters and the bureaucracy that goes with them. So you would think with all of the thought and revenue planning that went into the implementation of the new meters that cost as much as $3.50 per hour they would be able to sustain the chilly temperatures that often hit Chicago and surrounding areas...or NOT! Now don't take this the wrong way I'm not complaining, I don't like paying these slow overpriced green boxes, but come on, if they don't work in the winter how much revenue are they even going to produce?

I tried to pay my meter this morning, I inserted my credit card, and received no response...hmm, maybe the strip is dirty, let's try response. This meter was clearly not going to work, so I walked across the street to another pay box to find a man fumbling with a frozen meter. This meter had accepted his card and charged the maximum amount, which on this meter was $4.00...the only problem was the buttons that must be pushed to print the necessary receipt to prove that you paid were frozen. This poor guy, who was also frozen, was pummeling the buttons, muttering under his breathe at the dumb green box. After a short time of my observation, who knows how long he had been there, the kicking ensued...if you can't push the button hard enough perhaps you can kick the button hard enough...NOPE! And you can be sure I wasn't sticking around in +3 degrees to find out how that one ended...

The Chicago parking meters are ridiculous, frozen and nonfunctional in the winter and so slow in the summer that you could be mugged and killed before the receipt prints....argh!

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