Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Cat as Comedian

A great day turned into one of those crazy nights...when I got home from small group just after 10 I came to the very real conclusion that the lock on our door was frozen and I had no chance of getting into the good, Rachel to the rescue, my wonderful roommate though slightly sleepy and confused gladly let me in and all was well...but God knew that I was tired, had a headache and just really needed a laugh so...while I was getting ready for bed he provided one!

I was standing at my sink getting ready to brush my teeth and Therman, Rachel's cat, who loves me dearly was standing on my toilet trying to get as close as possible. He was stretching and reaching and trying desperately to get me to pet him or something like that. Well in the process of this he somehow lost his balance, and fell in the TOILET! I swear I didn't push him, his back little legs just slipped in. He stood there looking up at me, with those sweet little eyes, partly confused partly begging for help. So of course I quickly removed the cat from the toilet and he proceeded to spread toilet water all over my bathroom floor...which is kinda I figured I should probably wash the cat, and then I thought maybe he'd just dry...and then I remembered, Therman sleeps in Rachel's bed, and no way would I want toilet water in my bed...thus started the journey that was washing the cat! I tried dipping his feet under running water but he was having none of that, on to plan B. I covered my hands with soap and rubbed it all over his wet little feet and legs, and then carefully dipped his legs into a sink full of water. Surprisingly this didn't bother him too much...if you ignore the fact that he spent the next 10 minutes or so licking his feet.

And what did I learn you may ask...I guess I don't really believe that toilet water is as clean as they say it is or I wouldn't have bothered washing the cat...hold on, I think the cat drinks from the toilet...I may have just wasted 30 minutes!

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