Friday, February 13, 2009

Rules & Regulations

So this is not a normal thing for me so I'll just type and see what comes of it...hopefully I don't bore you all to death.

Laying some ground rules...I can't spell so please don't tease me and I can't write so no teasing there either.

Here goes nothing, I'm plugging my nose and jumping into the deep end! Yes I did say plugging my nose, I'm a freak and I'm well aware of this. I have a complete lack of ability to keep water out of my nose. Most all of my friends tease me about this especially those who are amazing swimmers like Di. Sorry Di, I know you tried to help, but there is no help here.

I am a completely rambly person so here goes another...does anyone besides me feel the need to do something really fantastic for Valentines Day? What has Hallmark done to us? I don't have a current beau so of course I'll show good old St. Valentine and have a blast without one! But seriously people, it seems like a day where you just shouldn't stay in. Grrr...Hallmark...grrrr!

I feel like I am talking to a wall, not a blank wall but a mirrored wall. I can't see who is on the other side and I have no idea who's out there, HELLOOOOOO!