Friday, August 6, 2010

I dreamed a dream in time gone by....

Dreams mean so much in our lives and can take over so much of who we are, and direct who we become (for better or worse). When we are little kids we dream of who we will be when we grow up, what our wedding will look like and on and on. Often our capacity to dream effects who we are, and who we push ourselves to be. But that's not the kind of dream I currently have floating around in my head, currently I find myself thinking about the dreams that invade my sleep.

Every night if you are getting good sleep, you are dreaming whether you remember it or not. And please don't test me on this because it's one of those random facts that is not sourced. But you dream all these dreams and at times they are so vivid that they wake you up. And you spend time talking about them with friends in your waking hours.

There is a part of me that loves these vivid dreams, they can be so much fun! You can spend time with old friends who have long passed gone to see Jesus, and just have fun as a spectator of the craziness of dreams. But sometimes they are just plain cruel, the dreams that would best be characterized as nightmares. The ones that wake you with screams and you can't decide if they are real. Would you take the good for the bad, the horror for the joy? What would our nights be like if we didn't dream at all? I'm guessing they'd be awfully lonely and not nearly as interesting! But for the sake of everyone involved, unless God has blessed you with the gifts he gave Joseph ( )leave the dream interpretations alone!

Side note: If you can tell me the source of the title, "I dreamed a dream in time gone by..." without the use of the internet you get major points!