Monday, August 16, 2010

A one legged control freak of a DUCK!

So now it’s Monday and we’ve all had some time to think about a few areas in our lives we are unwilling to allow God to control. I guess the question now is why should we allow God to have control of our lives and why are we so darn reluctant?!?

I speak for myself of course and ask that you search your hearts too; anyone who knows me well knows that I have struggled with control in my life and my personal walk. If you completely let go of control it can be a scary thing, it is scary to let go and not know what is around the corner; to walk blindly in faith. But let’s be real here, we’re not giving control to a person, or a random stranger that happens to be walking down the side walk. We are talking about giving control to God!

In Matthew 10:38-39, Jesus talks of losing your life to find life eternal in Him! ( If you are holding onto control do you really think you are taking up your cross and following Him, are you really losing your life of sin and allowing Christ to bless you with a life much greater? Why would I not want this, why would any of us want to hold onto our lives on earth when there is so much greater promised? Why would we want to hold onto a life that separates us from Christ?

He has this all figured out, so what am I trying to control? Am I just a one legged duck, kicking like crazy to swim in a circle and accomplish nothing? If we’re talking about worry or control I believe yes, they both accomplish nothing! Ephesians 2:10 tells us that “we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” ( How incredibly awesome is that! God loves us so much that he takes the time to prepare good works for us to walk in, to point the glory back to Him! SO cool it rocks my world every time! But let’s listen carefully here because it doesn’t say that He prepared them so that He could drag us kicking and screaming into them! So that we could WALK, while He has lovingly prepared these acts for us, we must choose to walk; we must choose to allow Him to work through us.

We cling so desperately to control aspects of our lives that we have no chance of controlling, even when we know it’s not best. We think if we have control we won’t get hurt, or we won’t fail, but that’s not really true is it! Holding onto control really just tells us that deep down we don’t trust God to take control, we don’t trust Him to take care of us or know what is best. Do you really believe that? Do you really think you know more? Are you a control freak? I know every single time in my life I have been truly devastated and broken it has started with me taking control, and every time I have seen great growth and healing God has had that control and glory! That’s enough for me, what will it take for you? When will you decide to let go of control and truly trust that God will provide?

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